Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth..

Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm

Hello I am Dr. Carolyn Love,

Principal Consultant and Coach

I was born and raised in Gary, Indiana, during the era of Jim Crow. Gary quickly transitioned from being diverse to an all-Black city. Growing up, I never could understand why one group believed that they were superior to another.
Racism did (and still does not) make sense to me. Oppression based on racial and ethnic identity (or any other identity) does not make sense. At age 15, I decided to commit to ending racism in my lifetime. It was not until my doctoral program at Antioch University when I gained the language to describe my experiences. While my Ph.D. is in Leadership & Change, I really earned a Ph.D. in me. All of my work, whether consulting, coaching, training, or public speaking is done through the perspective of racial equity.

Dr. Carolyn Love

In my personal life....

Many people believe I am quiet, but I am actually a comedian.

I know it’s my best-kept secret. Those closest to me get to enjoy my quiet humor and quick wit.

If I could eat one thing every day, it would be popcorn.

Seriously I love popcorn. It’s my favorite. Sometimes I go to the movie theater not to watch a movie but to buy popcorn; that’s how much I love it!

I am a museum buff.

Wherever I travel I seek out local museums. I have visited the Vatican City Museums, Egyptian Museum, Musei Franz Mayer, Museum of Our African Roots in Puerto Rico, and the Isabella Stewart Museum in Boston, MA.

Giving is a part of my DNA.

I give often and generously. It’s a part of my belief system. I always choose two organizations to give to each year to help continue pushing their missions forward.

Kebaya Consulting.

Denver, Colorado
(303) 601-4439

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